Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reading Summary/ Reading # 2 Balance

- Balance in a design aims to distribute the visual weight of elements so that they appear to be in equilibrium.
- Symmetrical - Main object in center of picture with equal distribution of elements on each side.
- Painting with more going on one side of composition us called asymmetrical
- Radial balance - Symmetry in circular or spherical space.
- Crystallographic balance - Equal emphasis in allover pattern with absence of a focal point.
- Static symmetrical balance also known as formal balance.

Formal and Informal Balance
- Formal balance - Repetition of identical or similar elements on either side of a central axis.
- Informal balance - Asymmetrical and more curvilinear
- Near symmetry - Almost symmetrical

Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Balance
- Inverted symmetry - uses symmetry with one half inverted
- Biaxial symmetry - uses two axes of symmetry
- Notan - dark and light

Balance by shape, texture, value, color, position, and eye direction
- As complexity increased, shapes turn into textures
- Balance shapes with areas of nothingness , as long as you know were the boundries are.
- One of the most powerfull eye catching devices is value.
- Higher the contrast between light and dark, the greater the curiosity.
- Pure Hues tend to eclipse all other colors.
- An odd number of objects or a variety of different shapes will give an asymmetrical layout.

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