Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Process and critque of live performance

                                 Coming up with an idea for live performance was not to difficult since golf was the first thing that came to mind when thinking about what I should do for the performance. I have played a little bit of golf a couple times during my life and find it quite enjoyable. I wanted to look like a golfer so I based my attire off of what regular golfers would wear and used the clothes I had to look like and actual golfer. Due to some last minute setbacks, I had to use a stick as a golfclub instead of an actual golfclub and bag. I thought the performance was good since I wanted to show a type of wierd warm up to someone swinging a golf club then me actually executing the swing a couple of times. People after the performance compared me to Tiger Woods which was not who I was thinking about during the time nor someone who I was trying to exemplify or base my performance off of. In retrospect I should have accounted for the one black dude playing golf professionaly. Looking back I could have hit a golf ball to make it seem more real but I thought the performance was still good.

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