Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Critique of best 16 dot project/ Final four dots

                  The best sixteen I chose and the final four spots for similarity, proximity, closure, cotinuence that my group discussed where the best.

     The critique and analysis that my group did on my dot designs was to show common themes that came up on my work and what to improve and could have done better on. My group noticed that I did not have a diversity of different sizes of shapes in my dot designs. My designs would either have very big dots of either medium dots but there were some small scattered throughout the designs. The dots would take up a lot of negative space because of the amount of large dots. Continuance was also another key theme that came up while my group discussed my dots. Continuance seemed to be a dominating prescence more so than the other elements. Some of my dots designs could be shown as two different types of elements finding it hard for some to distinguish between the two elements. The last comment they made about my designs were that some of them were mostly placed in the middle of my page. Usually I would start the majority of my dot designs in the middle of the page without noticing what I would be doing the type of pattern over again. These  are corrections I can make and work on in the future. The problems and corrections that my group gave me showed how a person can fall into the trap of sticking to a habit or not seeing the common themes in your own work. When doing your work you may need outside influences to help find some mistakes and help your art become better over time.

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